مجموعة كتب عن الاندرويد وبرمجة الاندرويد والجافا وتسويق التطبيقات
كورس كامل وشامل لبناء تطبيقات الأندرويد وبرمجتها كل ما تريد معرفتة وتعلمه عن الاندرويد 
وتحتوي المجموعة على هذه الكتب

Android 3.0 Animations - Shaw - Packt (2011).pdf
Android Apps Marketing Secrets to Selling Your Android App - Huges - Que (2011).pdf
Android Cookbook - Darwin - O'Reilly (2011).pdf
Android in Action 2e - Ableson, Sen, King - Manning (2011).pdf
Android in Action 3e - Ableson, Sen, King, Ortiz - Manning (2011).pdf
Android Programming Tutorials 3.2e for Android 3.0 - Murphy - CommonsWare (2011).pdf
Android User Interface Development Beginner's Guide - Morris - Packt (2011).pdf
Beginning Android 2 - Murphy - Apress (2010).pdf
Beginning Android Application Development - Lee - Wiley (2011).pdf
Beginning Android Games - Zechner - Apress (2011).pdf
Best Practices for Developing Quality Mobil Apps - UTI (2011).pdf
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Stark - O'Reilly (2010).pdf
Embedded Android - Yaghmour - O'Reilly (2011).pdf
Hello Android 3e - Burnette - Pragmatic (2010) - Android 1.5 to 2.2 only.pdf
Learn Java for Android Development - Friesen - Apress (2010).pdf
Learning Android - Gargenta - O'Reilly (2011).pdf
Practical Android Projects - Jordon, Greyling - Apress (2011).pdf
Pro Android 2 - Hashimi, Komatineni, MacLean - Apress (2010).pdf
Pro Android Games - Silva - Apress (2009).pdf
Pro Android Media Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets - Every - Apress (2009).pdf
Pro Android Web Apps Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript - Oehlman, Blanc - Apress (2011).pdf
Professional Android 2 Application Development - Meier - Wrox (2010).pdf
Programming Android - Mednieks, Dornin, Meike, Nakamura - O'Reilly (2010).pdf
The Android Developer's Cookbook - Steele, To - Addison-Wesley (2011).pdf
The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development 1.9.2e for Android 3.0 - Murphy - CommonsWare (2011).pdf
Unified Testing Criteria for Android v1.0 - UTI (2011).pdf
Unlocking Android - Ableson, Collins, Sen - Maning (2012).pdf

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